Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay Example for Free
Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay An exploration of the ways in which issues of class and status are presented in Charles Dickens Great Expectations and L. P. Hartleys The Go-Between. Both Charles Dickens Great Expectations and L. P. Hartleys The Go-Between discuss the class assumptions of early Victorian England; around 1807-1823 is when most of the action can be dated too in Great Expectations and at the start of the 20th century, the year 1900 in The Go-Between. Both novels portray a class structure in decline or under threat, as the rise of trade unions and rights for women were to transform the quiet hierarchy that had existed for countless generations. In this essay I will draw out the similarities and differences in how the two authors present the issues of class and status to the reader. Hartley often seems to place great value in the tradition and history of an ancient, aristocratic, ruling class; Dickens regards beyond all else the value of hard work. Dickens argues that social status denotes nothing but money, whereas Hartley seems to glory in the upper-classes natural superiority, such as at sport and at music: none can match Marion in skill. Hartley warns against the social mobility that makes Marion too good for Ted despite their love for each other and subverts the natural hierarchical order and security that has existed for centuries, yet Dickens denounces a society that lavishes upon the few at the exclusion of the multitude. Dickens characters suffer under or bask in justice offered by the plot, as good characters are rewarded and bad characters condemned. Hartley shows little similar sympathys as discussed below. Dickens consciously relays no support for the idea that the upper classes are naturally morally superior; dispelling all pretentiousness to this tenuous link in the contrast between Drummle and Joe, whereas in Hartleys The Go-Between, Triningham is by far and away the kindest character, whom the reader instinctively warms to, and enchants all with his natural grace and elegance, seemingly affirming the assumption of the ancient idea of the moral superiority of the wealthy, going back to the Bible story of Job in the Old Testament, where God blessed a good man with wealth. Ironically, Triningham is already displaying the injuries already done to the aristocracy, he has been forced to rent out the home his ancestors have held for generations as he himself can no longer afford to live there; he himself has lost his wealth in his property, even though temporarily. Nevertheless, the middle classes Maudlseys do not appear to have gained by their social rise at the end. Some critics have argued that Hartley is arguing that a socially divided society is a dangerous one; that Leos evaporated enthusiasm for a new century so full of unfulfilled promise is systematic of unfounded hopes of a new Golden Age if society remains segregated between the haves and have-nots. That the Boer War, which scarred the aristocratic Triningham, protracted and disastrous for Britain with a devastating display of Britains faltering significance and importance in world affairs, is a sign of a difficult century ahead. Triningham, a representative of a dying aristocracy with unseen wounds that a display of natural elegance and grace can hide but not heal. In spite of this, I find myself wholly disagreeing with this view of Hartleys novel The Go-Between. Hartley certainly does warn of the demise of the aristocracy, yet he does not rejoice in it. On the contrary, he mourns, grieves and laments the apparent loss of nobility throughout the work. Triningham is by far and away the most gracious, righteous and gallant character presented, there is only sympathy in a reader for his early death. I certainly fall on the side of Hartley strongly defending the hierarchical social order, and the aristocracys right to lead it. Yet it is important to do discuss other possibilities. Triningham then represents the best features of the aristocracy. Unlike Marian, from the start and until the end, there was no ulterior motive to Trininghams kindness: he was as true as steel even in the eyes of the unfaithful Marian. He is patriotic to the end too and was wounded in the defence of his countries Empire. Despite all this, in the book Hartley presents Marian displaying no reverence for Teds feelings, instead she is cruelly unfaithful to him whilst engaged. Every other character in the book has faults of character or of action, but Triningham is beyond such. His demise might be Hartley warning the middle-classes of the dangers involved with usurping the natural order. Even so, the story is told from Leos point of view, and Leo admires Triningham to such a great extent that his faults may be simply hidden from the readers view, or indeed perhaps the story is told from Leos point of view in order to allow Hartley to express his admiration. Even so, Leo the adolescent is also a bad judge of character and situation and so simply may be putting forward the wrong view. Be that as it may, the point still stands.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Critique of Barbara Huttman’s A Crime of Compassion Essay -- Euthansas
Critique of Barbara Huttman’s â€Å"A Crime of Compassion†Barbara Huttman’s â€Å"A Crime of Compassion†has many warrants yet the thesis is not qualified. This is a story that explains the struggles of being a nurse and having to make split-second decisions, whether they are right or wrong. Barbara was a nurse who was taking care of a cancer patient named Mac. Mac had wasted away to a 60-pound skeleton (95). When he walked into the hospital, he was a macho police officer who believed he could single-handedly protect the whole city (95). His condition worsened every day until it got so bad that he had to be resuscitated two or three times a day. Barbara eventually gave into his wishes to be let go. Do you believe we should have the right to die? In my opinion, if a person is terminally ill and there is no chance of bringing them back then they should have the right to make the choice whether they want to be kept alive or let go. What is the point of sitting in a hospital for the rest of a person’s life if they are not going to be able to do any thing? This claim is supported throughout the entire text through her believes in religion. And every night I prayed that his agonized eyes would never again plead with me to let him die (96). Barbara talked about how she wondered about a spiritual judge, and by this, it shows that religion is an important part in her life. Several times in the text, he begs to be let go so his suffering could be come to an end. Some would ask why we would not have the right to die. How enjoyable could life be when a person must be resuscitated fifty-two times in just one month? Anybody who reads â€Å"A Crime of Compassion†can easily find it very emotional. I believe the pathos plays a very important... ...o get a do not resuscitate order. That is an order that the families may sign so the hospital does not have to give effort to bring a person back to life anymore once they have stopped breathing. Even though Barbara’s intentions in this paper are directly stated, her claims she gives does not back her argument at all. After reading her major claim, which states that we do not have the right to die (97), I feel the complete opposite of what she thinks and I believe a person should have the right to die if there is no chance of them getting better in the future. The author’s grounds explained all of the struggles of keeping a very sick man alive, which I believe gave me some very good evidence to write my counter argument. Works Cited Huttman, Barbara. â€Å"A Crime of Compassion.†The Genre of Argument Ed. Irene Clark. Boston, MA: Christopher Klein, 1998.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Character Sketch Story of an Hour
Kayla Silva Mrs. Barrish English IV 31 March 2010 Character Sketch Some people believe that marriage is bliss. However that is not the case. In â€Å"Story of an Hour,†Mrs. Mallard I treated wrongly by her husband Brently Mallard. She is very tired of being hurt she wishes her life would end. When finally getting her life back together she wanting to live it long but instead it ends short still. Mrs. Mallard is very heart troubled, happy, and then shocked. Mrs. Mallard has been very heart troubled through her marriage. She is so deeply in love with Brently but not once did he love back to her. All he ever does is hurt her. Her family sees that they are not one big happy couple. â€Å"She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s are. †Mrs. Mallard now is happy when told by her sister that her husband has died. Though her family members believe that she is crying because she is hurt. Now Mrs. Mallard will be able to live her life the way she wants it. Instead of being shut down and treated wrongly. Its says â€Å"She looks out house die her house where its new spring life. †That means that it is no longer darkness for her. Mrs. Mallard is very heart troubled from being hurt from her husband to be she is happy cause he is now gone and then shocked again. When she found out that he was dead she goes to her room and sheds tears of happiness. After her sister finally gets here to come down stairs Brently walks in. Being so shocked to realizes hes not dead after all she dies of what the say is heart diease.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
European Union International Security And Defense Policy...
European Union. The European Union represents single institutional framework, based on three pillars: the Community pillar, which has a supranational character, the Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar, and the Justice and Home Affairs pillar. The second and third pillars, have an intergovernmental character. Under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) domain are nested all questions related to the security of the EU, including the common defense. EU objectives in the area of external security and defense were identified in Maastricht Treaty in 1992, some tangible crisis management capabilities were introduced in late 1990s. More military and civilian capabilities needed to fulfil the Petersberg tasks were defined after the St. Malo Declaration from 1998. The Petersberg tasks defined the type of military action that the EU can undertake in crisis management operations: humanitarian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping tasks, and tasks of combat forces in crisis management, inc luding peacemaking. The 2009 Treaty of Lisbon formally renamed European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) to Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). It also further expanded these tasks to include: humanitarian and rescue tasks, conflict prevention and peacekeeping tasks, tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking, joint disarmament operations, military advice and assistance tasks, and post-conflict stabilization tasks. These tasks may also contribute to the fightShow MoreRelatedEuropean Military Integration Of The United States1701 Words  | 7 PagesTaylor Land DIP600 – â€Å"Europe†10-21-14 Analytical Paper European Military Integration For 65 years, Europe has had its military policy tied to that of the United States through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). During much of this period European and U.S. security interests were aligned against a common threat in the USSR. However, the era following the collapse of the Soviet Union has been marked by a European shift away from national sovereignty and towards a more integrated EuropeRead MoreThe European Union ( Eu )1524 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION: The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership that represents a unique form of cooperation among 28 member states. 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